Vanilla WoW Was Awful

Out of the blue we have received news of a playable demo of WoW Classic in Blizzcon 2018. No one was expecting it and yet here it is. Is Classic much closer to launch than we thought? And how will it work? Certainly every player who was present during the Vanilla days is asking himself these questions. Vanilla brings lots of memories to our minds and while most of them are very pleasant, I am pretty sure they are just sugar-coated by nostalgic feelings, making them seem better [.....]

How to Use TSM4 Sniper - The Easy Way

So you're trying new methods to make gold in WoW and you come across this interesting addon called TradeSkillMaster also know as just TSM. You read stories about how lots of people are getting millions of gold with it and you decide to try it out. In your first 10 minutes using it you become overwhelmed with all the configurations required to make it work, but do not fear, I present you the How to Use TSM4 series, starting with one of its most famous features: Sniper.


The Gold Mask

This is part I of the new Finding New Markets series. In this series I will provide reports on several uncommon ways of making gold. Unusual items or methods of making gold will be documented here as I find them.

For this first episode I'm bringing you Shadoweave Masks.

What's so special about this headpiece item? I mean, it's just a bandana...

It's a requirement for one of the riddles that lead you to the Lucid Nightmare mount - a unique mount [.....]

Top 3 Strategies to Lose WoW Gold

There are dozens of ways to make gold in WoW, but it's just as important to know how not to lose it. If you're making mistakes that cost you thousands every week, you will never fulfill your potential to be rich, even if you're dominating the AH in your server. So here are the top 3 strategies that will make you lose gold. Pro tip: don't follow them.

Trying to control a market Let's picture this scenario: you see a specific market where everyone made crazy undercuts [.....]

Too Greedy is back in action

Welcome to a new chapter in Too Greedy!

After an hiatus of several years, I am back to the world of gold-making in WoW. Despite this absence in blogging, I have played every expansion during this period so I'm familiar with everything that has changed so far, and I'm excited to share knowledge with you once again.
Too Greedy will continue to be a place to share first-hand WoW gold-making experiences, but it is now much more. You will find a more diverse content than [.....]

Patch day wasn't too bad... fact, it was too good!

At first, I feared the worst. ZeroAuctions wouldn't work. QA+Fix wouldn't work. After spending over half an hour trying to sort it, I realised QA was working but had no item groups in it (ZA probably messed it up or something). The solution: building item groups all the way from the start and getting in the AH as fast as possible. And it all worked fine after that little obstacle!

I just regret not having as many glyphs as [.....]

Four point oh point one

It's nearly here.

Got high expectations for this. Will everything I worked for pay off?

Expect very interesting stuff soon! [.....]

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