Too Greedy is back in action

Welcome to a new chapter in Too Greedy!

After an hiatus of several years, I am back to the world of gold-making in WoW. Despite this absence in blogging, I have played every expansion during this period so I'm familiar with everything that has changed so far, and I'm excited to share knowledge with you once again.

Too Greedy will continue to be a place to share first-hand WoW gold-making experiences, but it is now much more. You will find a more diverse content than before, ranging from game tips, secrets, reviews of game features/addons and much more.

Stay tuned by following us here and on our social media platforms!

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1 comment:

  1. Just found this and def look forward to it. I never really was good at making gold in Wow. Just read your post about how not to lose gold. Thanks for the info! Looking forward to more posts.
