...in fact, it was too good!

At first, I feared the worst. ZeroAuctions wouldn't work. QA+Fix wouldn't work. After spending over half an hour trying to sort it, I realised QA was working but had no item groups in it (ZA probably messed it up or something). The solution: building item groups all the way from the start and getting in the AH as fast as possible. And it all worked fine after that little obstacle!

I just regret not having as many glyphs as my server demands (the usual after-patch syndrome). The demand was overwhelming, I never thought there would be so many buyers. After roughly 1 hour and a half (right after lunch time, so not a peak time), I had already managed to get over 3,000g profit.

During the rest of the afternoon, and during the evening, the rest of my stock of glyphs was sold, and I'm now sitting on over 65,000 gold. Lots of glyphs were priced way over 100 gold, and even competitors messaged me trying to keep it that way (Hey Cheapglyphs!). We even discussed which glyphs were hot so we could craft more!

Now, onto other subjects! Still getting used to my Restoration Shaman again, as they changed a few spells and added new stuff. Healing Surge, the new Greater Healing Wave, and other spells still sound weird to me. Soon, I shall go do some instances and practice some rotations, as mana management seems harder now (so I heard from experienced players).
2/3/31 seemed like a good spec, so that's what I chose. Hopefully, the ideal Resto spec won't be too different from mine.

The whole UI changes are also pretty amazing, and it feels nice to have a fresh UI! (despite those nasty addon errors everywhere, huh...)

Overall, it was a great day for a WoW gamer!

How was your patch day, how did you adapt to it?

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It's nearly here.

Got high expectations for this. Will everything I worked for pay off?

Expect very interesting stuff soon!
Recordings from a few friends on Ventrilo while they play WoW. How funnier can it get?

(video by Sefearion)

Are you like these guys too? :)

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So, you have patiently waited for part II of my Glyph Insane series, eh?

Your wait was not in vain. So, as I promised, the results are here. First batch result:

4,000 gold was my initial profit. It got better...way better! You see, when you got all your competitors on your friends list (and apparently you're not on theirs), you can easily outsmart them, specially if they're just mindless creatures who only look at QA's "Post" button.

The second batch was just crazy. I didn't expect it to go the way it did.

So, what do you think of this great improvement over 1 year?

Also, did I mention I'm on a low population server now? (last year I was on Medium Population)

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