
Too Greedy has reached a new milestone: 200 subscribers. I've been getting an average of 5 new viewers a day, which is a good rate, and I'm very happy about this. So, to 'celebrate' this new achievement, I decided to start 'Tweeting'.

Through Twitter, you can get the latest updates from the blog and myself very easily. It's definitely useful if you're looking for quick updates, rather than waiting for a reply to your comments. As I've said before, feedback is very important, and I'll do my best to stay in touch with my Followers from Twitter, just like what I've done to the blog commenters so far. Of course that I will try to Tweet often too!

So, start following me now! There's also a new tab in the top bar which links to my Twitter channel, and a new widget in the Side Bar which shows you my latest Tweets.

Also, to save up some space in the Side Bar, the Archive has now been merged with the Most Valuable Posts and they're both in the "Archive" page (link in the top bar).

That is all for this weekend. Hope you had a happy Halloween :)
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