New friends!

If you've just arrived here from the link in my guest post at Just My Two Copper, Welcome to Too Greedy!

I'm Blackwolf, and I've been a WoW player since Vanilla, so I am quite experienced in the game as I've been through every single trend on this game and tried nearly everything the game offers. You probably know me from the JMTC Forums too, as I'm an MVP there.

This is a blog about my experiences in WoW and how to make gold while doing lots of things there. My goal is to show you all that it's possible to make gold at any level, and I show you how I do it, and therefore how you can get in a gold making mentality too. I also share my thoughts on the game from time to time.

Too Greedy has been around for a year now and if you're into this kind of approach in WoW, this is definitely a good source of information for you. I was once a poor player too, but I've never stopped making gold since the light shined upon me when I found lots of websites like this one, so if you like what you see around here, make sure to subscribe to our free updates.
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